Welcome to Year 3
Each morning we begin with spelling or handwriting tasks before we focus on our English and Maths activities as well as frequently revising our key maths skills. In the afternoon the children can explore and enjoy our wide range of books in the quiet and comfortable reading area.
We have an exciting and interactive curriculum to offer this term. Our Learning Challenge is “Who First lived in Britian?,” where the children can expolore Stone Age life through History lessons as well as linking our learning to “Rocks and Soils” and ” What makes our Earth angry?” in Science and Geography lessons. Homework linked to our weekly learning will be sent home on a Friday and returned the following Wednesday. Reading books will go home every afternoon, and we encourage the children to return them each day.
In Year 3 children will be rewarded with a Dojo for their behaviour and showing a readiness to learn. They can also work as a team to gain Dojo’s as a whole class everyone is on task, focused or showing great behaviour around school.
Our Class Diary will tell you more about what we have been learning.
Mrs Hunter, Mrs Randall and the Year 3 Team