Welcome to Year 2 and the end of Key Stage One. English and Maths are taught every morning in our class along with spelling and grammar activities. The children will follow the Read Write Inc programme and whole class reciprocal reading up until Christmas before continuing whole class reciprocal reading in the Spring Term. Spelling is a big focus in the Year 2 English Curriculum so the children will be practising this three times a week through the Read, Write Inc spelling programme from the Spring Term. Foundation subjects are taught through Learning Challenges.
In Year 2, we are rewarded with individual Dojo’s for positive behaviours in and around school. WHole class Dojo’s are given when everyone is on task, this could earn us and end of Half Term treat! Weekly certificates are also given out in ‘Celebration assembly’, along with Stars of the Week certificates.
Click here to see our Class Diary.
Mrs Wilkinson and the Year 2 Team