Spring Term
We will begin our spring term with a Science topic about magnets. We will classify magnetic and non-magnetic materials and investigate the strength of different magnets and their uses.
Our Learning Challenge will explore the wonders of Ancient Egypt. We will find out about the exciting world of Pharaohs, pyramids and mummies as well as the everyday life of the Ancient Egyptians.
Towards the end of the term we will compare the climate in Egypt to the UK and further develop our understanding of the world’s continents and seas.
We will also look forward to seeing which plants are growing around us by exploring the school grounds.
Autumn Term
Our Learning Challenge this term focuses on the question ‘Who Came First?’ As historians, we will be exploring the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. We will be experiencing life as it was in the Stone Age using the outdoors and the natural resources that surround us.
As scientists, we will be investigating rocks and soils. We will be researching and exploring what our Earth is made up of and how it impacts on life! We will work scientifically to investigate the properties of rocks and soil to help us understand more about them.