Spring Term
Autumn Term
Our Learning Challenge work in Autumn 1 is based on the question ‘Who were the Maya?’ (History) This work explores who the Maya were and what impact they have had on the world today. We will also link our Maya work to a Design and Technology focus on Maya food, namely hot chocolate and tortillas! In Autumn 2 our Learning Challenge question will be ‘Why is Japan known as the Land of the Rising Sun? (Geography). This work will focus on the physical and human features of a contrasting locality.
As Scientists, we will be studying the question ‘What is our place in the Universe?’ and this will concentrate on the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon. This work is closely linked with our initial class text in English – George’s Secret Key to the Universe by Lucy and Stephen Hawking.
Our second Science focus is based on the question – ‘Can you feel the force?’ which explores the force of gravity and how it is affected by air, water and wind resistance. Children will be encouraged to predict, organise, collect data and draw conclusions from their results.
Our class will also be taking part in the John Muir Project. It is an environmental award scheme which encourages people to connect with, enjoy and care for nature, landscape and the natural environment. Please click here to see what we have doing during this project.