Hi Everybody!
Thank you for all your lovely messages about our video that we made. We wanted to let you know how much we are missing our ‘Escomb Life’ and can’t wait to get back to normal and share in learning and fun together.
Today we have posted some work on our Home Learning page. We appreciate and totally understand that it is difficult to manage home-schooling for lots of different reason. We have considered how best to ‘give’ work to our children; it is really important for us to remain as totally inclusive as we possibly can.
We also have a school Facebook page where we have posted regular updates on activities for you to share with your children.
This whole situation has certainly brought it home to me that, what we do in school is not merely about the academic – it is about the social and personal development of the whole child. This has always been a key focus for us and very much part of our whole school ethos. Now more than ever our children need the emotional support that I know they will be getting at home. For as much as all of this is alien to us, at least we have some understanding of it whereas for our children, it is completely beyond their comprehension and their little lives have changed so drastically!
I think we all appreciate that we are living and working in unprecedented times and the landscape is constantly changing with the advice being given to us as a school and in general. With the best will in the world we will try to get information to you as quickly as we can – in the meantime, take care and stay safe!