As a school we work in close partnership with families and the whole community to give children the best possible start to their education.
Our mission is to create a safe, caring and stimulating environment in which every child has the opportunity to reach the highest levels of achievement of which they are capable in all aspects of learning. We aim to develop children’s confidence and their motivation and desire to learn.
We will do this through planning and delivering a wide range of creative, challenging and effective learning opportunities that meet the needs of all our children.
We will promote a positive school ethos based on mutual respect and the understanding and championing of children’s rights. We want everyone to feel welcome and safe at school and we encourage children to learn and teach others about their rights under the United Nations Convention of the Rights of The Child.
We will promote local, national and international links to develop a deeper understanding and respect for the diverse world in which we live and prepare our children to function well as global citizens of the future.
As a school community we will work together to create a happy, healthy, safe and caring environment in which learning can take place with enjoyment.