Dear Parents and Carers,
This is a letter to inform you about staffing and class organisation for September 2021.
Miss Maddocks will be in school in September but will be going on maternity leave towards the end of the month. Mrs Susie Johnson will be covering the maternity leave and will work with Miss Maddocks from the start in September to ensure a smooth handover. Mrs Johnson has already been working in school to get to know us.
Miss Clifford is currently on maternity leave and her leave is being covered by Miss Richardson.
After careful and considered discussion with the Governing Body and Senior Leaders in school, class organisation for September is as follows:
Year group | Class Teachers |
Reception | Miss Maddocks |
1 | Mr Cox |
2 | Miss Hope |
3 | Mrs Meadows 4 days
Mr Salmon 1 day
4 | Miss Richardson |
5 | Mr Brentnall |
6 | Mrs Collings
As we all know all restrictions will have been removed by the time we return to school in September.
As a school we feel that some of the systems and procedures we have introduced because of COVID have had a positive impact on how school operates and so some will remain in place when we return in September.
Below are the things that we will continue with and some things we will re-introduce back into our school to hopefully give us back our ‘whole school family feel’.
- Continue with the start times and finish times to the school day and use of three different entry/exit points as this has helped with traffic congestion. (There will just be a slight change to the collection time for Year 4)
- Having lunchtimes in the hall in key stages.
- Having key stage assemblies in the hall. We will still do Whole School Celebration and Behaviour assemblies with all classes via Teams.
- Children can bring packed lunches in packed lunches boxes. They do not need to be in disposable bags.
We will not operate a Breakfast club as we would have very limited capacity and it would be unfair for us to prioritise/refuse parents. We are hopeful that Breakfast club will be back in operation again in by the end of September.
Reminder about School Start times
School will officially start for all children at 8.55a.m. Ideally children should arrive no earlier than 8.45a.m. which was our ‘normal’ practice.
However, if you need to drop your child off earlier than 8.45a.m. due to work commitments and you would normally use Breakfast Club, then you can do so from 8.30a.m. onwards. Teachers will be on duty from 8.30a.m. (no earlier) and will greet children at the point of entry to school. We do not have the space for parents to come into the yard so please hand over your child to the teacher at the gate. Children will go to their designated space on their respective playgrounds to play with their class bubbles until the bell goes at 8.55a.m.
By allowing a ‘drop off’ from 8.30a.m. for those of you who need it; we are hopeful that this will help with parking and traffic outside school and help maintain a steady flow rather than traffic becoming bottle-necked.
Class | Entry gate |
Reception | Reception yard gate – closest to classroom. Children will be greeted by a member of staff and come straight into school through the current entry door. |
Year 1 | Reception yard gate – opposite the hall doors. Children will be greeted by a member of staff and come straight into school through the hall door. |
Year 2
Year 3 |
Quiet yard. An area will be designated to each class and this is where they will wait for the bell to go at 8.55a.m.
Year 4
Year 5 Year 6 |
Car Park gates. A member of staff will greet the children at the gate and they will then go straight to their designated area of the school playground to wait for the bell to go at 8.55a.m. |
Time | Class | Exit |
3.15p.m. |
Reception | Reception yard – same door as used now. If parents can wait in the half of the yard that is closest to the classroom and staff will hand children over. |
Year 1 | Reception yard – hall doors. If parents can wait in the half of the yard that is closest to the hall doors and staff will hand children over. | |
Year 2
Quiet yard. Children will exit from the main door. | |
3.25p.m. |
Year 3
Quiet yard. Children will exit from the main door. |
Year 4 & 5
Car Park gates. A member of staff will bring the children round from the classroom. | |
Year 6 | We will dismiss Year 6 children from the car park gates as soon as Year 4 & 5 have left. We will give Year 6 the option to walk home but we will seek your permission when we return in September. We will take those Year 6 children who walk home to the rear of the school to exit school straight onto the black path. |
Obviously, we will continue to review our systems. Any constructive feedback from your perspective as parents would also be appreciated. We will also take account of any local outbreaks of COVID and respond accordingly or as directed by the government.
I hope that you like the leaflet that we have sent home as a celebration of all the whole school activities we have managed to do this year despite the pandemic! It is such a privilege to be Headteacher of school that has such amazing children and a staff team that always want to do their very best for the children in their care. And – of course – we couldn’t do it without your wonderful support! Thank you!
May I take the opportunity to wish you all a restful and enjoyable summer holiday.
We look forward to welcoming our children back on Thursday 2nd September.
Wendy Gill