Dear Parents,
I can’t believe that it is half term! Undoubtedly it has been a tricky one for all of us whatever our circumstances. I would like to say a huge ‘Thank you’ to all of you who have been home-schooling – you have done an amazing job! I know it is not easy given the pressures of working from home and often having siblings to home school too! I can only say that your support has been truly appreciated. Hopefully on 22nd February the government will announce details on how schools can return to full opening safely and we can then plan accordingly.
Class Assemblies up-date: We had hoped that all of our children would’ve had the opportunity to ‘see’ their class teacher via an on-line class assembly but, technology got the better of us and we have only managed this with Year 4, 5 and 6.
However, after half term, we will start the Celebration Class Assemblies as per timetable that was sent yesterday and fingers-crossed it will all work smoothly this time!
Spreading some Half-term happiness. . . We have a little gift for all of our children to cement our school motto:
’Growing & Learning Together’
This consists of a small plant pot that the children can decorate and a personalised packet of wildflower seeds to plant in it.
We would like you to send some pics of the decorated pots to your child’s class google email. Children can also track the progress of the growth of their flowers by taking photographs or, older children might like to measure and keep a weekly log. It is entirely up to them! We will set up some class competitions – who knows – your small seeds may flourish into a sea of colourful flowers in your gardens!
We have planned collection times for each class tomorrow. We have given separate slots for the classes who have not had that ‘connection’ via an assembly with their class teacher (Reception, Year 1, 2 & 3). Their class teachers will hand out the ‘gifts’ so, if you want to bring your child to collect, it will enable them to see their teacher and say a quick ‘hello’!
Years 4, 5 & 6 will be given out by Mrs Collings and me.
Please note that:
- children who are in school will bring theirs home with them.
- you can collect for siblings at the same time- however it may only be possible to see the teacher who’s time slot it is!
Times are as follows:
Class | Time slot | where |
Reception | 10 – 11a.m. | Reception yard |
Year 1 | 9 – 10a.m. | Reception yard |
Year 2 | 10 – 11a.m. | Quiet Yard |
Year 3 | 9 – 10a.m. | Quiet Yard |
Year 4 |
Quiet Yard |
Year 5 | ||
Year 6 |
Home Learning
This will be available on the school website by Monday 22nd (We have to wait for our some of our subscription websites to allow us access as they are time limited.)
If you request a pack, this will be available for collection between 11a.m.-12 noon to give us enough time to photocopy them.
I hope that all of you manage to get some rest over the half term break – everyone I think needs to recharge their batteries! Let’s look forward to some positive news that will help us see that the light at the end of the tunnel is within our grasp!
Take care and stay safe
Wendy Gill