Article 30: We have a right to practice our own culture, language and religion
Article 31 : We have a right to play and rest
Once again Covid-19 has impacted on how we share our Christmas celebrations with you as parents. We have posted videos of the activities that have taken place in school and tried to give you the best version of what we had planned for our Christmas plays without compromising the safety of our children. The last thing that we wanted was for our children to be poorly over Christmas as it is such a magical time of the year.
I am hoping that the videos will allow you to share in your child’s Christmas at school and hopefully they will encapsulate everything that we have done and the fun and enjoyment we have ALL had!
I would also like to take the opportunity to ‘Thank You’ all as parents for your unwavering support throughout this term – we really do appreciate it. I would also like to say ‘Thank You’ (and I am sure you will join me) to all of our wonderful staff here at Escomb. They truly care about our children and do their very best always. I would also like to say a ‘Thank You’ to all of our outside providers who have supported us with after-school clubs and for those who have been in school and delivered workshops. This has certainly supported and helped our children’s emotional and mental well-being and given that the extra ‘boost’ when most needed. All of this is difficult enough for us to comprehend as adults, so I can only imagine how it must be for our little people.
Once again we do not know what the New Year will bring but, we are keeping everything crossed that we will be as ‘normal’ as normal can be with these ever-changing times!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me and all of the children, staff and Governors at Escomb Primary School