Dear Parents and Carers,
As the government are gradually easing restrictions, it has given us the opportunity to review the systems and procedures we have implemented in school. Although infection rates are dropping, it does not mean that we can become complacent however, it does allow us to begin to think about returning to some ‘normality’ gradually over the next half term so that we are well-prepared for September.
Below are the things that we are going to re-introduce back into our school to hopefully give us back our ‘whole school family feel’.
- Having lunchtimes in the hall (only 2 classes at a time with social distancing between the bubbles maintained and good ventilation.)
- Having small assemblies in the hall with the two classes that are paired together for lunch. (We will still do Whole School Celebration and Behaviour assemblies with all classes via Teams)
- A more unified approach to school start and finish times.
- Children can bring packed lunches in Packed lunches boxes. They do not need to be in disposable bags.
We will continue with the Rob Proud after-school club and will operate this on the same basis of a class per session. There will be no charge for this as it is to support our children’s physical well-being.
We will not operate a Breakfast club as we would have very limited capacity and it would be unfair for us to prioritise/refuse parents. We are hopeful that Breakfast club will be back in operation again in September.
School Start times from 7th June 2021
School will officially start for all children at 8.55a.m. Ideally children should arrive no earlier than 8.45a.m. which was our ‘normal’ practice.
However, if you need to drop your child off earlier than 8.45a.m. due to work commitments and you would normally use Breakfast Club, then you can do so from 8.30a.m. onwards. Teachers will be on duty from 8.30a.m. (no earlier) and will greet children at the point of entry to school. We do not have the space for parents to come into the yard so please hand over your child to the teacher at the gate. Children will go to their designated space on their respective playgrounds to play with their class bubbles until the bell goes at 8.55a.m.
By allowing a ‘drop off’ from 8.30a.m. for those of you who need it; we are hopeful that this will help with parking and traffic outside school and help maintain a steady flow rather than traffic becoming bottle-necked.
To maintain the integrity of our class bubbles as best as we possibly can, this is how children will enter school and leave at the end of the day.
Class | Entry gate |
Reception | Reception yard gate – closest to classroom. Children will be greeted by a member of staff and come straight into school through the current entry door. |
Year 1 | Reception yard gate – opposite the hall doors. Children will be greeted by a member of staff and come straight into school through the hall door. |
Year 2
Year 3 |
Quiet yard. An area will be designated to each class and this is where they will wait for the bell to go at 8.55a.m.
Year 4
Year 5 Year 6 |
Car Park gates. A member of staff will greet the children at the gate and they will then go straight to their designated area of the school playground to wait for the bell to go at 8.55a.m. |
Time | Class | Exit |
3.15p.m. |
Reception | Reception yard – same door as used now. If parents can wait in the half of the yard that is closest to the classroom and staff will hand children over. |
Year 1 | Reception yard – hall doors. If parents can wait in the half of the yard that is closest to the hall doors and staff will hand children over. | |
Year 2
Quiet yard. Children will exit from the main door. | |
Year 4 | Car Park gates. A member of staff will bring the children round from the classroom. | |
3.25p.m. |
Year 3
Quiet yard. Children will exit from the main door. |
Year 5
Car Park gates. A member of staff will bring the children round from the classroom. | |
Year 6 | The majority of Year 6 are walking home. Those who are being collected will be dismissed via car park gates as soon as Year 5 have left.
We will take those Year 6 children who walk home to the rear of the school to exit school straight onto the black path. |
Obviously, we will need to see how this plan works in reality and, if we need to make tweaks to it, then we will. Any constructive feedback from your perspective as parents would also be appreciated.
Time table for Rob Proud after school club:
Rob Proud will continue to provide 2 after school sessions per week. This is part of our ‘Health & Well-Being’ offer for our children and there will be no charge. We are offering most classes 2 sessions each across the 6 week half term except for Year 3 and 4. This is because there aren’t enough weeks and both classes do have a session in school every week with Rob. Sessions are open to all children in each class. They will run from 3.30-4.30p.m. School staff will be joining in/supervising all sessions too!
The sessions for each class are:
Class | 1st session | 2nd session |
Reception | Monday 14th June | Thursday 1st July |
Year 1 | Monday 7th June (Our first day back!!!) | Thursday 8th July |
Year 2 | Monday 21st June | Monday 5th July |
Year 3 | Thursday 10th June | |
Year 4 | Thursday 17th June | |
Year 5 | Thursday 24th June | Thursday 15th July |
Year 6 | Monday 28th June | Monday 12th July |
School Trips
There will be no trips/visits this summer term. The most recent risk assessment indicates that we would be unable to take volunteers and staff from other class bubbles or even ask for parental support, this means that we would have insufficient adults to accompany as well as all the other COVID associated risks when visiting places. Therefore, to keep things simple, we will be arranging some enrichment activities in school as well as organising events such as a whole school ‘Beach Day’ and a ‘Teddy Bear’s picnic.’ We will keep you posted with dates and details.
Sports Day
We will have a sports day but, unfortunately, we will not be able to invite parents due to restrictions.
Staffing information:
Congratulations to Miss Roe who has started her journey to become a teacher. She is doing her teacher training on-site with us as well as some university days.
Congratulations to Miss Maddocks too who is expecting a baby in Autumn. Mrs Susie Johnson will cover Miss Maddock’s maternity leave in the autumn term but she is joining us after half term on a part-time basis to acquaint herself with our school and to cover some classes where needed.
Social Media
Social media is a wonderful tool and has been a lifeline during the pandemic in helping people to stay connected. I know that lots of our children kept in touch during lockdown on social media chat groups and facetime etc. However, please make sure that you monitor your child’s social media activity as some disagreements that children are having on these forums are spilling into school.
I know that there are parent chat groups for various classes and this is a really positive way of staying connected but, please can I ask that if you have any concerns about anything that happens in school, can you contact school to discuss so we are aware and can deal with things in the appropriate way.
I am sure you aware of the recent changes to WhatsApp. If you use WhatsApp, from a safeguarding perspective, you need to reset your privacy settings as they have been opened up to ‘everyone’!
Reports and Parents Evenings
Reports will go out to you on Friday 2nd July. Parents evenings will be telephone appointments except for Year 6 where we will operate face to face appointments spaced out over two nights and hopefully held outside. For some of our families this is their last connection with our school and we feel it is only fitting that we try our very best to have face to face contact at the end of their primary schooling and wish them well for the future. Further information will be sent to you in due course.
News and information:
We are trying to keep you as up-to-date as we possibly can with activities that are going on in school and are using the school website and Facebook page to share and celebrate all the positives that are happening in school. Please find attached to this letter a calendar outlining some of the events that we have planned for next half term.
Being able to go into classrooms is the best part of my job and as restrictions have eased I have been able to get into classrooms more regularly. Seeing our children working hard and enjoying their learning has been an absolute delight. I think they are generally feeling happier and being able to see friends and family is certainly helping. They have all been wonderful this half term and I know that all staff are very proud of the children in their classes.
May I take the opportunity to wish you all a restful half term holiday and hope that we have some long- awaited sunshine!
We look forward to welcoming our children back on Monday 7th June!
Wendy Gill & Staff