Sports Leadership Event -PE
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
Our leadership training led to a sports event for our Reception and Year 2 children. We were well prepared and ready to run the event! It was a lot of fun but hard work too!
PE– Team Building!
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
The boys in Year 5 took part in some Team Building activities. They were incredible and solving problems and working together to complete the tasks! Wow! We were given different challenges to line up on a bench without falling off and then we went on to play ‘Cross the River’ which required considerable teamwork to get to the other side!
Sports Leadership
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
We have started a unit of work on Sports Leadership that will take place over four Friday mornings, culminating in a Y1 and Y2 sports event that we are going to run! We started by identifying what makes a good leader, before creating a game and then went outside to explore leading some of the games that we had designed!
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
Our Games focus this half term is Cricket! We started by practicing our fielding and throwing before moving on to playing small cricket based games. This work then led onto learning the rules of Kwik Cricket. Some of us would be chosen to represent the school in a Kwik Cricket tournament. The field is obviously the best place to play cricket but we even used the hall to practise our bowling when the weather was wet!
Dance – Gestures
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
Our first two sessions of dance included exploring the dance element of GESTURE. This involves the actions of the top half of the body. We came up with waves, claps, punches and many more gestures. We used the 8 beat in a variety of different songs and explored creating dances by combining different gestures.
Gymnastics – Partner work
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
Our gymnastic core task is called Partner work and involves creating a sequence together involving each of the families of actions—rolling, jumping, balancing and travelling. Working with a partner could also be explored by working side to side, following one another as well as towards each other called meet and greet.
Box 2B Fit
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
Box 2B Fit has been our main focus in PE this half term. We have all taken responsibility for setting up part of the circuit training. We then work around the stations trying to beat our scores from the previous sessions.
We have really benefitted from the sessions as we feel fitter now! It is a high intensity session and almost everyone feels like they are better at each station and task!
Handball Festival
Article 31 – Every child has the right to play.
We took part in a Handball Festival at St. Johns Secondary School. We were split into 4 teams and competed against a further 4 schools who were also split. We played 8 games each and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience!
Skip 2B Fit Challenge
Article 31 – Every child has a right to play.
We aim to skip twice a week. Each time we are trying to beat our last score. We skip for two minutes and collect our score. Our skipping ropes have counters in one of the handles. Thank goodness we don’t have to keep count!
Article 31 Every child has the right to play.
Handball involves running and passing a medium sized ball within the designated area. The ball can only be held for three seconds and players can only take three steps. It’s a fast and frantic game! We are practising dribbling here by travelling through as many gates as possible .
We worked in groups of ten to try and get 20 consecutive catches. The first team to reach 20 was the winner! We then went on to playing 10 v 10 games.
Box 2B Fit
Article 27—every child has the right to a standard of life that provides their physical needs.
Dave introduced us to Box 2B Fit. A fun, fast and energetic form of circuit training! We worked with a partner and moved from station to station every two minutes. It was very tiring but a lot of fun too.
Handball Coaching
Article 24—Children have the right to the best possible health.
All of Year 5 are taking part in a Handball Festival and today’s coaching session was a chance to play the full game of handball. We were in teams of 7 And we played 3 matches each. It was fast and frantic and a lot of fun!