Spring 2018
In June we were really lucky to have two school trips. On the 26th June the children visited Etherley Lane Primary school to take part in Outdoor Adventurous Activities. These included following instructions, drawing bird’s eye view of the playground and trying too get over a river. Lots of fun as well as learning took place too!
In the same week we visited the beach at South Shields. As soon as we got to the beach we were able to have lots of fun digging, building, playing games and exploring. We had lunch at the beach and were able to keep the sand from out picnics. This was such a treat to be able to take the whole class to the beach and I know all the teachers look back fondly on talking to the children. This is what the children have enjoyed about this term:
“We have loved searching for minibeasts”
“Dressing as pirates and searching for buried treasure”
“The beach was so exciting”
“We want to go to the beach everyday”
We have had such an exciting term!
Today we have been out exploring the snow. We were all busy building snowmen, making snow angels and watching the snow melt. Afterwards, we enjoyed some lovely hot chocolate to warm us up!
Autumn 2017
Our topic this term will be focus on ‘Ourselves’. We will be learning all about us and how we fit into this world with the people around us, in our local and wider community. We will be going on ‘Journeys into the Jungle’ before ending at a ‘Winter Wonderland’; getting us prepared for our Christmas Topic.
We will end the Autumn Term with a Christmas Sha’bang. We will be inviting all parents for ‘come and play’ session with your children. You will be given opportunities to participate in a wide variety of Christmas activities, closing with the children singing Christmas songs around the Christmas tree.
Alf the Elf came to visit us today with a maths problem, Santa’s presents were all jumbled. We worked as a team and used a number line to organise all of his presents.
Over the past two weeks, we have had a Julio Vegas, a Spanish head teacher, visiting our school to see how we teach in England. Today he told us all about where he lives and also taught us some Spanish nursery rhymes.
Today the whole school had a special treat. Eureka Theatre Company performed their special magical maths show. There was lots of fun at the same time teaching is all about Maths, Here are some picture of the show!
Professor Brainstorm visited our school as part of the Magical Science Roadshow. He did a workshop for everyone and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Reception class have been exploring the school grounds and making use of the fantastic outdoor areas we have.