ChildLine assembly and workshops – 5th/12th October
Year 5 and 6 children had a visit from ChildLine in order to keep us informed of certain issues we may face during our Primary school years. There had been a big push with e-safety in terms of how to keep us safe from a range of abuse that can affect our daily lives. We completed workshop activities alongside Buddy to further develop our understanding of certain situations that may arrise. Remember the number: 0800 1111
[Slideshow "childline" not found]Fame factory – Little Green Riding Hood and the Magic well – 6th October
Fame factory linked with Northumbrian Water visited us to perform a play with an important message. We learned about saving water and how it is important that we put the correct items down sinks, drains and toilets.
Harvest assembly – 22nd October
Reverend Ronnie Mechanic came into share in our Harvest Assembly. Parents had sent food donations into school. These were then sent to our local food bank as part of the local community Harvest Project.