FebFest 2016
An artist worked with Year 6 children to create a WW1 sculpture out of paper mache to be displayed at Bishop Auckland Town Hall for the FebFest art festival. Two members of the class were then asked to attend the awards day where they met the Mayor of Bishop Auckland and view other pieces of work, on display, from other schools.
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Buddhist retreat
As part of Faith week, three members of Year 5 had been given the privilege to visit Throssel Hole, Buddhist retreat. The children enjoyed their time at the retreat and were fascinated by everything they had seen and learnt. They were able to gain a greater understanding of a Buddhist’s daily rituals and customs and compare them to our own.
Click here to see the work children did about their trip.
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Anne Frank exhibition
Four children from Year 5 and 6 attended an exhibition based on the life of Anne Frank at Woodhouse Community Primary School on the 26th February. The children were shown around the gallery by Year 6 pupils and learnt lots of interesting facts about her life, which were shared when they arrived back in school.