Baking and decorating December 2018!
Article 6: You have the right to be alive.
We spoke about how everyone has the right to be alive. Even a gingerbread man. We thought about making gingerbread men and discussed what they might do.
We had to weigh out the ingredients, mix it together. Before this we had wash our hands to make sure we don’t spread germs.
We then decorated them to how ever we needed or wanted as we have the choice.
Run, Run as fast as you can!
Article 35: No one is allowed to kidnap you or sell you.
Oh no! Miss Roe’s gingerbread man had gone missing! We became detectives and searched for it!
We hunted for clues and we discussed how we are not allowed to be kidnapped as it is wrong! We found a hook, a foot and a tentacle! We are searching for the thief!